Book: Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne

Summary of data about Journey to the Center of the Earth and its author with brief description, genres, language and other useful information to choose what book to read.

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Book cover: Journey to the Center of the Earth

Author: Jules Verne

Genre: Adventure / Fiction and Literature / Classics / Science Fiction

Publishing Year: 1864

Language: English / Original Language: French

Original Title: Voyage au centre de la Terre


An impetuous German geologist discovers an encoded manuscript in which a sixteenth-century explorer claims to have found a passageway to the center of the earth.

The intrepid Professor Lindenbrock embarks upon the strangest expedition of the nineteenth century: a journey down an extinct Icelandic volcano to the Earth's very core.

In his quest to penetrate the planet's primordial secrets, the geologist, together with his quaking nephew Axel and their devoted guide, Hans, discovers an astonishing subterranean menagerie of prehistoric proportions. Can the adventurers survive the dangers that await them? Will they ever find their way home again?

Verne's imaginative tale is at once the ultimate science fiction adventure and a reflection on the perfectibility of human understanding and the psychology of the questor. As David Brin notes in his Introduction, though Verne never knew the term science fiction, Journey to the Centre of the Earth is inarguably one of the wellsprings from which it all began

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